We know man is imperfect. We also know global warming predictions are based on computer models created by man. What are the chances that the predictions are imperfect? Yes 100%.
A game children play: "Which is Bigger?"
Was there more polar ice in 2012 or 2013?
How can one say it is settled science? What else have scientists told us? Here is a short list...
- Coffee will stunt your growth ... no it's good for you ... no its bad for you.
- Malaria is caused by swamp gas ... until we found out it was the mosquito.
- The universe is static ... No, it's shrinking ... No it's definitely expanding.
- Placebos are a control because they don't work ... except when they do.
- Outer space is a vacuum ... except for all the stuff in it.
- Absolute zero means absolutely no energy ... well except for background energy.
- Nerve cells cannot regenerate ... but sometimes they do.
- You cannot take a picture of atoms ... except when using a scanning-tunneling microscope
- Stratified rock represents eons of Earth history ... except if is from a volcano.
- There is a finite supply of oil ... but we find old dried out wells seem to replenish themselves.
- The world is overpopulated ... if we build a Manhattan the size of Texas, the world's population will fit in it.
- Cells are simple in structure ... except for all the intracacy of its internal systems.
- All life evolved slowly and took millions of years ... don't ask about the Cambrian Explosion - nothing to see here.
- Mammal brains never grow new neurons after birth ... except the songbirds ... and humans ... and all other mammals.
- We have junk DNA left over from evolution ... except when we find junk DNA has a function.
- U.S. scientists ridiculed S. R. Ovshinsky when he said semiconductors could be made from amorphous material ... the Japanese thought to give it a try - how did they do with that one?
- AC motors could not work without brushes ... ask every power company about brushless motors
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