
Where is the joy in blowing up Jonah's tomb.

ISIS Destroys Jonah's Tomb In Mosul, Iraq July 25, 2014

One man, who took the video of the explosion from afar, can be heard saying "No, no, no. Prophet Jonah is gone. God, these scoundrels."

The group aims to create an approximation of society as it was in the early days of Islam, which was founded in the 7th century, and considers Muslims who do not adhere to its puritanical version of the religion heretics.

The tomb of Daniel, a man revered by Muslims as a prophet though unlike Jonah, he is not mentioned in the Quran, has also been reportedly destroyed. Al-Arabiya reports that Zuhair al-Chalabi, a local Mosul official, told Al-Samaria News that "ISIS implanted explosives around Prophet Daniel's tomb in Mosul and blasted it, leading to its destruction."
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