So how was the statistic arrived at?

They did not read the papers or talk to the authors, but they did read the abstracts.
The results of the abstracts were divided into 7 categories:
Papers in Each Category
Category | Number of Papers |
1 | Man is causing all of the warming | 64 |
2 | Man is causing over 50% of the warming | 922 |
3 | Man is causing less than 50% of the warming | 2,910 |
4 | No opinion or uncertain | 7,930 |
5 | Man is causing some but far less than 50% | 54 |
6 | Man is not causing warming, with qualifications | 15 |
7 | Man is not causing any warming | 9 |
It appears that Cook et al. decided to compare only those scientists who had strong opinions. If that is the case, the first 2 categories represent scientists who believe man is causing all or most of the warming (986), while those in categories 6 and 7 believe man is causing none or almost none (24). This ratio is about 97%.
But the most important result of this study is that almost 8,000 had no opinion or were uncertain.
So much for the 97%.
1 | Agree | 64 |
2 | Agree | 922 |
6 | Disagree | 15 |
7 | Disagree | 9 |
Total | 1,010 | |
Agree | 97.6% | |
Disagree | 2.4% |
Why were there only 24 papers published by skeptics? We found out in 2009, when 22,000 email exchanges between senior meteorologists in the U.S. and Europe where released. Many of the emails were published by Steven Mosher and Thomas Fuller in Climategate: The Crutape Letters (nQuire Services, 2010). We learned the following things from this scandal:
Those promoting manmade global warming:
Controlled the meteorology and climatology journals in the U.S.;Controlled non-meteorological science publication (Nature, Science, etc.);Controlled Wikipedia;Manipulated data;Demonized skeptics.
Papers by skeptics were blackballed and not published in U.S. professional journals. In contrast, Kenneth Richard has documented over 1,000 peer-reviewed papers published in Europe and Asia in 2014, 2015, and 2016 that challenge the hypothesis that CO2 has been the primary driver of recent global warming (and other aspects of the bogus “consensus”) and support solar, oceanic, and other natural cycles as the primary causes of global warming, but they are not found in the U.S.
Category | Number of Papers | ||
1 | Man is causing all of the warming | 64 | 0.5% |
2 | Man is causing over 50% of the warming | 922 | 7.8% |
3 | Man is causing less than 50% of the warming | 2,910 | 24.6% |
4 | No opinion or uncertain | 7,930 | 67.0% |
5 | Man is causing some but far less than 50% | 54 | 0.5% |
6 | Man is not causing warming, with qualifications | 15 | 0.1% |
7 | Man is not causing any warming | 9 | 0.1% |
Total | 11,840 |
8.3% of Climate Scientists Agree that global warming is caused by man.
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